Monday, June 4, 2007

Springing into Summertime, and the living ain't easy.....

I've been blog-challenged this past week. Here's a bit of a whine...there is still so much outside work to be done, the weather's been sticky, hot and muggy...and my energy has hit an all time low. I'm feeling overwhelmed and tired. We've been having lots of powerful electrical storms, so loud, last Thursday night going on all night long...interfering with sleep.

Sunday we took a break and went on an garden tour. It spit rain on and off...but that didn't deter us. We met up with dear friends and ended up back at our house, sitting on the sunporch and listening to the rain on the roof. Later we all went out to dinner. It was nice to be with friends and not have to cook.

Back to the outside chores...our pond has been giving us problems...well not the pond, but the pump. It cuts off and stops working after awhile...we reset goes for a bit, and then stops again. The pump is way too powerful for the dinky little pond we have. It's more about the effect of moss-covered rocks and the waterfall than the actual pond. Though I'm sure the frogs living there would disagree. I love the sound of the waterfall, it is so soothing and I miss the sound with the pump not working. At night..with the windows open...that sound lulls me to sleep.

Here are some photos from the weekend garden tour......


nina at Nature Remains. said...

Great garden--do they have a crew to manage all that? I feel proud of myself, if I get one corner tidied up--but that's gorgeous!

Mary said...

I'm with ya, girl!

After taking a little break here at the office, I feel rested after looking at those wonderful photos. Your butterfly shots are beautiful!

We all get pond woes this time of year because pumps tend to break when we need them most.

LauraHinNJ said...

Wish I had a garden worthy of a tour! Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing them.

Spring is so busy, but things ought to slow down in the garden in June so that you can enjoy the fruits (and flowers) of your labor.

KGMom said...

Well, you may whine but your photos set a lovely scene--such beauty.
All will be well--concentrate on the beauty and the calm.

BirdingMom said...

For a moment I thought those were your gardens, and your home. My next thought was how do you manage it all!!

Susie said...

What a lovely garden tour! That butterfly is just gorgeous...
I love the sound of water too. It is such a soothing noise. Our fountain runs year round.

Ruth Welter said...

Hi again Dorothy, I signed your blog below, under your beautiful bridal box. I was just trying to find your e-mail address though, so I could write and we could catch up...I couln't find it from your can access my e-mail from my blog...please send me your address.

Naturegirl said...

I so enjoyed this garden tour! OMG the black swan I never seen one! The blue Japanese hydrangea wow! The climbing hydrangea growing out of what appears to be a tub WOW!Your are so generous with your comments to me when you come by nature-trail! Thank you kindly! hugs NG
P.S. I know the feeling of feeling overwhelmed I have been feeling the same! :(

Mary said...

Anything new, Dorothy? (Tee-hee)

Just me checking in...