Friday, May 4, 2007


We are the roadside flowers,
Straying from garden grounds,--
Lovers of idle hours,
Breakers of ordered bounds.

If only the earth will feed us,
If only the wind be kind,
We blossom for those who need us,
The stragglers left behind.

And lo, the Lord of the Garden,
He makes his sun to rise,
And his rain to fall with pardon
On our dusty paradise.

On us he has laid the duty,--
The task of the wandering breed,--
To better the world with beauty,
Wherever the way may lead.

Who shall inquire of the season,
Or question the wind where it blows?
We blossom and ask no reason.
The Lord of the Garden knows.

Bliss W. Carman - 1869 - 1921


KGMom said...

What a charming poem, and you illustrated it most fittingly with your wildflowers.
Perfect for a lovely spring day.

Ruth said...

I love the poem. Looking for and discovering wildflowers is like a treasure hunt...unexpected beauty coming up through dead leaves in the forest floor.

Jayne said...

Beautiful poem and lovely flowers Dorothy. :c) Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've bookmarked yours as well. Have a great day!

Mary said...

Great poem. Wildflowers are the smallest, pleasant surprises! I always admire them on my walks.

Great post, Dorothy.

Beth said...

Beautiful poem, beautiful pictures. Thanks for weaving this together for us...I these sentiments in mind as I view my ragged mess of wilderness that most folks call their "yard". It "blossoms for those who need us", indeed.

Have a lovely day, Dorothy!

LauraHinNJ said...

I enjoyed this poem - thanks for posting it!

Glad to see I'm not the only one entranced by wildflowers.

nina at Nature Remains. said...

So nice to have you visit--we're doing "beginning birding", too--let's encourage eachother!
I'm originally from upstate NY, an Ohio transplant, started on blogging by Julie Z.
Your site is beautiful, and love your added touch of poetry--makes a very nice, complete experience!

Lin said...

WOW! Sheer beauty in images and words ---! THANK YOU for bringing this to my attention -- a spectacular piece!